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Cashflow solutions for Hawaii businesses




Hawaii Factoring Report

  • Did you know that 80% of all Wal Mart payables are paid to factoring companies?
  • Were you aware that 85% of all Costco's payables go to factoring companies?

What do IBM, Shell Oil, Coca Cola, Honeywell, Georgia Pacific and Scott Paper all have in common? They've all taken advantage of this debt-free, flexible method to multiply their working capital.

For any company selling on an open account basis, sufficient Cash Flow is critical to their survival. The "Power of Cash Flow" is hard to overstate.

Because of our local ownership, Hawaii Receivables Management (HRM) has good understanding of the Hawaii business market. We can respond to your needs quickly and actually provide first funding in days, not weeks or months. We'll provide the cash flow to support your growth, pay payroll and taxes, etc. In the meantime you've kept your all important banking relationship untouched. When your bank is ready to provide you with a line of credit, HRM will not hold you back when that time comes. We're just happy to have been able to help.

Give us a call at 254-9008 and ask for Mike Young or Rick Humphreys, or fax us at 254-4208.

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